Gringo De Mexico BOEHNER7/31/2014 @ 1pm CST    BREAKING NEW———BREAKING NEWS – C-Span reporting that the HOUSE has pulled BORDER BILLS from the floor today. Session to end FOR AUGUST BREAK.   GREAT JOB AMERICANS, Capitol Switchboard has been lit up for days.


Alabama ProtestBe SURE TO CALL AND STOP CONGRESS FROM PASSING AMNESTY BILLS ON information is on yesterday’s posting…

American citizens sending 3,500 volunteers to border…”OPERATION NORMANDY”


NoIllegalsNoAmnestyBorder Sheriffs report damage…According to News 4, ranches just north of the border are facing ripped fences, broken water pipes and a spate of stolen, wrecked and abandoned vehicles…“But what I would consider [progress] is, those fences being rebuilt and staying up for longer than a week.”

Texas Lt. Gov on illegal aliens “We don’t want ‘em”


Illegal Aliens Flip U.S. off70% Americans oppose keeping or granting Refugee Status to illegal aliens – Benzie, who works in the information technology industry. “It’s going to take a toll on our economy because it’s going to lead to higher taxes. Our citizens are going to suffer.”


Special Ops speak out about 5 TALIBAN exchanged for Bergdahl

If Obama had a son - Military uniform salutehttp://dailycaller.com/2014/07/30/the-men-who-captured-one-of-the-taliban-5-speak-out-about-bergdahl-swap-video/

To The Native American groups who are canceling TED NUGENT’s concerts because the liberal left wing extremists have taken his words out of context and are making you think it was directed at you.  This quote from a left wing nut who defended Nugent against the unethical misinformation about Nugent out there.  So during an interview with Gannett Wisconsin Media he was asked about this push by some to get his Waterfest show canceled, and that’s when Nugent said: “I take it as a badge of honor that such unclean vermin are upset by me and my positive energy.” “By all indicators, I don’t think they actually qualify as people, but there has always been a lunatic fringe of hateful, rotten, dishonest people that hate happy, successful people.” – See more at: http://www.forwardprogressives.com/dishonest-liberal-blogs-wrongfully-accusing-ted-nugent-calling-native-americans-unclean-vermin/#sthash.jxSbxor9.dpuf

Ebola Bubbles sores on ArmWhat a Lawsuit against Pres Obama must show?  http://news.yahoo.com/obama-immigration-executive-orders-could-force-showdown-101209067–politics.html

BRITAIN WARNS OF EBOLA VIRUS THREAT  http://news.yahoo.com/uk-holds-emergency-talks-growing-ebola-threat-084704564.html

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (AP) — A leading doctor who risked his own life to treat dozens of Ebola patients died Tuesday from the disease,.. His sister had died of Ebola 2nd pic of disease eaten mouthEbola though he maintained he had not had close physical contact with her when she was sick. At the time, Liberian authorities said they had not been requiring health checks of departing passengers in Monrovia.  http://news.yahoo.com/west-african-airline-suspends-flights-amid-ebola-131826424.html

Mother of illegal alien sues Border Patrol for killing her teenage son when Mexico began firing shots across the border and the Mexican “teen” was trying to get in our border illegally.  Oops.  Next time come here LEGALLY and you won’t have to worry about getting shot. http://news.yahoo.com/mother-slain-mexican-teen-sues-u-border-patrol-171739900.html

When did freeloaders more impor taxpayers


Left Wing Extremist group “Right Wing Watch” twisted mentality….  http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/anti-immigrant-rally-speaker-warns-housing-migrant-kids-will-turn-massachusetts-mexichusetts



Illegal Aliens ArroganceBORDER BATTLE: AGENTS UNDER ATTACK … Violence Becoming Common … Tens of Thousands More Illegals On The Way … Hundreds Crossing Every Few Hours http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/07/30/exclusive-report-reveals-disturbing-trend-brazen-attacks-against-border/

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